Seized or Snapped Diesel

Fuel Injector ?

Call us on

07799108594 or 07718113158

Our Terms and conditions of payment & Works

Our Terms and conditions of payment & Works


We record all our telephone calls (both landline and mobile) for safety and security purposes in addition to training and dispute resolution.

We record all areas of our premises on CCTV 24 /7 for safety and security purposes in addition to training and dispute resolution.

We will disconnect your Dash camera during Diagnostics work or any work using a Diagnostic computer as it can interfere with the process and may damage your cars electronics if we don't., You will need to ensure it is plugged back in when you collect your vehicle. It is also a requirement for our premises security and our staffs right not to be recorded.

Our term and conditions of work. 

   1.0 General Terms and Definitions

   1.1 These Terms (the "Terms) are the only terms on which we A P Autodiagnostics Ltd ("the company") contracts with the customer as named on either our invoice or disclaimer,

         and they shall govern the contract to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions. 

  1.2 "Goods" means all goods or other things to be sold by the company to the customer weather or not supplied in conjunction with work.

  1.3 "Work" means any work to be done by the Company whether by way of repairs, servicing,fitting or otherwise.

   1.4 The Customer will be deemed to have accepted these terms if he or she or however they deem themselves to be known, ( Will be termed HE for this contract) or their insurance company give instructions          or place orders by any means for work to be done or parts to be supplied.

  1.5 Any typographical , clerical, addition or other error or omission in any estimate, order acceptance, invoice or other document issued by the Company shall be subject to correction without liability on the            part of the Company.

   2.0 Estimates and Prices

   2.1 An estimate is a considered approximation of the likely cost involved and is valid for 14 days from it's dispatch by the Company to the customer. If the Customer or his agent deposits a vehicle with 

      the Company for any estimate, a storage charge based on the Company's current rates will be made to the Customer from the 15th day after dispatch of the estimate by the Company unless it is accepted 

       by the Customer within 14 days of such dispatch or the vehicle is removed by the Customer from the premises within that period.

  2.2 Prices of goods are those current at the time of the estimate and the Company reserves the right to increase such prices if the price to the company is increased between preparing the estimate and 

       obtaining the Goods.

  2.3 unless otherwise agreed in writing if it appears during progress of any work that the estimate will be exceeded by a significant amount the Company will not continue the work without further express

       permission (either Oral or Written)from the Customer.

  2.4 All prices are exclusive of any applicable VAT (Value added tax) unless otherwise stated by us.

   3.0 Uncompleted works

  3.1 If for any reason work requested by the Customer is not carried out either in part in full or at all (ie cancelled or stopped by the customer or for reasons outside the Company's control) the Company will

       charge a reasonable amount for any work actually done or any Company time used and the current price of any Goods supplied or fitted, including the full travel cost plus labour time used whether this be 

     actually working or time kept waiting by the customer, this includes any time kept waiting for payment and also can be the full amount of the agreed work if the work is cancelled or stopped after our arrival 

      or once out travel to you has begun.

   4.0 Variations

  4.1 Any variation agreed between the Company and Customer in work to be done or Goods to be supplied shall be deemed to be an amendment to this contract and shall not constitute a new contract

  4.2 No order which has been accepted by the Company may be cancelled by the customer, except with the agreement of the Company and on the terms that the customer indemnifies the Company in full against loss (including loss of profits), costs, damages charges and expenses incurred by the Company as a result of cancellation.

   5.0 Time

   5.1 The company will use it's best efforts to do the work or supply goods within any time period notified to the Customer but time shall not be of the essence and the Company shall not be liable for delays.

   6.0 Completion of work and payment.

      Unfortunately due to some very untrustworthy / Unscrupulous customers we are having to enforce certain term and conditions for the payment of our work.


      We charge for our very valuable time at a premium rate for a premium service so please remember this and .........



   6.1 All Goods shall be paid for upon delivery or in accordance with any credit terms agreed in advance. 

  6.2 Payment for work is always due upon completion of our work or when work is stopped or cancelled and BEFORE us leaving site.

       Unless, We give a period of grace for you to pay within, to be given at our discretion only (must be written on the invoice by our staff or see point 6

  6.3 Work shall be deemed complete when the Customer is so advised by the Company. The customer will pay the Company for all work done and Goods supplied as well as any storage charges before any vehicle may be removed from the company's premises or released from the Company's control.

  6.4 Payment is accepted by CASH, BUSINESS CHEQUE, DEBIT CARD, CREDIT CARD AND BANK TRANSFER (ONLY WITH OUR AGREEMENT. AND ONLY IF PROVABLE AT THE TIME OF PAYMENT.) We only accept card payment in person with the pin number (any telephone deposits paid are non refundable and you waive your rights to any form of refund by making said deposit payment as this covers our time used, lost income and inconvenience as well as profit if you decide to cancel) An administration and handling fee may apply at our discretion to all payments. <5% for retail customers & <10% for trade customers.

  6.5 If you keep our staff waiting for an unreasonable amount of time to be paid, We reserve the right to charge waiting time at £50 per half hour or part thereof. We deem in excess of 30 minutes to be unreasonable. In this instance, A second invoice will be raised and any time taken in raising this invoice will also be charged for. 

   We take a very Dim view and always operate a Zero tolerance policy toward Non or Late Payment.

  6.6 Vehicle's should be collected within 7 days of notice of completion, Vehicles that aren’t collected within this time frame will accumulate storage charges from the completion date, in line with The Removal, Storage and Disposal of Vehicles (Prescribed Sums and Charges) Regulations 2008. In brief, these are 2 wheeled vehicles £10 per day, 4 wheeled vehicles up to 3500 kg £20 per day, 4 wheeled vehicles 3500 to 7500 kg £25 per day. These charges will be added to the invoice amount at the point of collection.

   6.7 Disposal of Uncollected Vehicles

      Furthermore, should the vehicle remain uncollected for a period of 4 weeks after the notice of collection, we will execute our option to dispose of the vehicle to the highest bidder under our right of Lien. Monies generated by the disposal will be used to settle the invoice and storage charges, with the balance being returned to the owner. Should the disposal not settle the amount owing, we shall have the option to pursue the owner for the balance. Should the vehicle fail to attract bids, we shall execute our option to scrap the vehicle. This option will attract charges in line with The Removal, Storage and Disposal of Vehicles (Prescribed Sums and Charges) Regulations 2008

        In brief, these are 2 wheeled vehicles £50, 4 wheeled vehicles up to 3500 kg £75, 4 wheeled vehicles 3500 to 7500 kg £100, These charges will be added to the invoice amount. In this case we shall have         the option to pursue the owner for the invoice amount, additional storage fees and scrappage fee.

  6.8 Either Interest at the rate of 8% over the current Barclays bank base rate from time to time (both before and after judgement) will be charged from the due date until full and final payment.


  6.9 If you pay late we reserve the right to charge a late payment administration fee of £10 per day until full and final complete and total cleared settlement is received from the date of invoice onward at our discretion.This fee covers the cost of our time to daily check our bank statements to see if payment has been made directly into the bank and to update our paperwork to show any or non payment. £10.00 equates to 12 minutes of our time at our minimum hourly rate of £50 per hour.

  6.10  If you decide to pay the invoiced amount but not the late payment charges we term this as a part payment and the £10 per day will continue to accrue until the outstanding balance is paid in full. (see point 6.7, 6.8)

  6.11 Any refusal to pay will be met with County Court action at a time and date of our choosing and a day in Court at a time of the Courts choosing regardless of your company's size or personal circumstance. (you cannot shop at Tesco without paying for your shopping before leaving the store.) all County Court fees will be added to your debt.

  6.12 We will use any of the following to recover the debt, County and High Courts and their bailiffs, Private bailiffs and debt collection agency's wherever and whenever necessary at our discretion.

  6.13 We will charge £50 per person per hour for any member of our staff for attending court and or preparing court paperwork + travel costs and any other relevant fees where allowed by the courts, all of which will be added to your final bill.

  6.14 Expert witnesses will be charged at their cost to us including any expenses and or costs incurred.

    If you are one of our nice customers who pays without issue then there is nothing to worry about and the above will not apply to you and Thank you for your prompt payment.

   7.0 Retention of title and risk

   7.1 Goods supplied by the Company shall be at the Customer's risk immediately on delivery to the Customer or into custody on the Customers Behalf and the Customer should therefore be insured.

  7.2 Property in the Goods supplied hereunder will pass to the Customer when those Goods and all other Goods the subject of any other contract between the Company and the Customer which at the time of payment of the full price of the Goods sold have been delivered to the customer but not paid for in full , have been paid for in full.

  7.3 Until full payment has been received by the Company the Customer shall hold the Goods hereunder in a fiduciary capacity for the Company in a manner which enables them to be identified as the Goods of the Company and the Customer shall immediately return those Goods to the Company should it so request. All the normal incidents associated with a fiduciary relationship shall apply.

  7.4 The customers right to possession of the Goods supplied hereunder shall cease if, Not being a Company , He Does anything or fails to do which would entitle any person to present a petition for bankruptcy or being a Company it does anything of fails to do anything which would entitle an administrator or administrator active receiver to take possession of any assets or would entitle any person to present a petition for winding up.

   7.5 the customer grants the Company an irrevocable licence to enter at any time any vehicle or premises owned or occupied by the customer or in its possession for the purpose of repossessing and removing any Goods supplied ,the property in which has remained in the Company.

   7.6 Notwithstanding 7.3, the Customer shall be permitted to sell the goods supplied hereunder to third parties in the normal course of business, in this respect the Customer shall act in the capacity of a commission agent and the proceeds of any such sale shall be held in trust for the Company in a manner which enables the proceeds to be identified as such , the Company as principal shall remunerate the Customer as commission agent by a commission being the surplus which the commission agent can obtain in excess of the contract price of the Goods.

   7.7 if any provision of this clause 7 or any part thereof is held by any Court or other competent authority to be void or unenforceable in whole or part this clause 7 shall continue to be valid as to the other provisions thereof and the remainder of the affected provisions.

   8.0 Delivery

  8.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing delivery of Goods shall be ex the Company's premises.

  9.0  Loss, Damage and Liability

   9.1 The Company is only responsible for loss of or damage to any vehicle or its accessories or contents caused by the negligence of the Company or its employees . except in respect of death or personal injury. the liability of the Company to the Customer for any direct loss , damage , costs or expense shall be limited to £1,000,000 in respect of any one event or series of connect events. The Customer is strongly advised to remove any items of value not related to the vehicle and in respect of any loss or damage not the responsibility of the Company must rely upon his own insurance.

   9.2 Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by the Company's negligence the Company shall not be liable to the Customer by reason of any representation or any implied warranty, condition or other term or any duty at common law or under these terms for any consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profits or otherwise) costs or expenses whatsoever (and whether caused by negligence of the Company , it's employees, agents or otherwise) arising out of or in connection with the supply of the Goods or the provision of the Works, or their use or re-sale by the customer, except as expressly stated in these Terms.

   9.3 The Company shall not be liable to the Customer or be deemed to be in breach of contract by reason of any delay in performing or any failure to perform any of it's obligation, if the delay or failure is due to any cause beyond the Company's reasonable control.

 10.0 Replaced Parts 

 10.1 All parts replaced during any work done, except those to be returned under warranty or service exchange arrangements will be retained by the Company until the vehicle is collected , if the Customer does not specifically ask to have such replaced parts when collecting the vehicle then they will become the property of the Company to dispose of as it deems fit.

 10.2 We do not fit customer supplied parts, due to liability and insurance issues.

 10.3 Where possible we only fit genuine vehicle dealer supplied electronic or fuel injection parts, These parts may not necessarily be supplied by the dealer directly as they may be purchased from the manufacturer who supplies the dealer or their authorized agents.

 11.0 Returned Goods

  11.1 Goods will be accepted back for credit provided that the customer returns the Goods (in the same condition as when supplied) within 5 working days of delivery, the original invoice produced , the Customer pays the Company's current handling charges (20%) for returned Goods and the Goods were not specifically ordered by the Customer on a non returnable basis.

 11.2 Save as above Goods will not be accepted back by the Company.

 12.0 Sub Contracting

  12.1 The Company shall be entitled to carry out it's obligations under this contract by sub-contracting but shall be responsible for the quality of their work

 13.0 Heath and Safety

 13.1 the instructions used, cautionary notice and other technical notices and information as supplied to the Customer with the Goods must be observed.

 14.0 Warranty 

  14.1 In respect of any parts fitted or other Goods , the Company assigns to the Customer the benefits of the applicable manufacturers warranty. The Company warrants its work free of defects in workmanship for a period of 3 months or 3000 miles whichever occurs sooner , from the date of completion of the work.

 14.2 No warranty will apply if and to the extent that a defect is caused or worsened by one or more of the following, namely (a) a failure to inform the Company of the defect or to have it examined by the Company and a failure to give the Company the opportunity to remedy it. (b) if the Goods have been subjected to misuse, negligence or accident or used in a vehicle for racing, rallying or similar spots, (c) the installation of a part into Goods , the use of which has not been approved or the alteration of Goods in a manner not approved, (d) non-adherence to instructions concerning the treatment , maintenance and care of the Goods or failure to have the relevant vehicle serviced in accordance with recommendations or, (e) the repair or maintenance of the Goods by a person other than a Dealer or a person authorized by the Company. 

  14.3 The warranties in 14.1 above are in addition to any other remedies the Customer may have under the contract.


 15.0 Notices and General

  15.1 All written notices given by the Company to the customer shall take effect 24 hours after being dispatched in the normal course of post to the customers address shown on the invoice or immediately upon delivery by hand.

 15.2 No waiver by the Company or any breach shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision.

 15.3 This contract shall be governed by the laws of England.

 15.4 The above does not effect your statutory rights in any way.

      In addition to the above it is necessary for us to inform you of the following terms which you must accept before work can commence

A P Autodiagnostics Ltd

Seized Injector or Glow plug Removal Information,

Disclaimer & Terms and Conditions of works


A P Autodiagnostics Ltd staff have removed 100's of thousands of injectors, Glow plugs and Injector clamping bolts and our success rate is unequaled by any other company but...

1) We cannot accept any responsibility for any damage either historic, current or in the future caused by failure to adequately seal the engine, engine bay or fuel system from any item or liquid where the vehicle or engine is used, stored or transported in an unsealed condition, We will block any visible holes etc before we start work or ASAP after we create them by removing parts etc to avoid any contamination from our work, but as this work is carried out in an environment beyond our control we cannot be held responsible for any of the above. A large proportion of our work is outside and we cannot control the weather.

2) As our work is outside what is classed as a normal accepted repair procedure and due to the extremely high loads and forces involved in seized injector or Glow plug removal, and limitations in access etc. There are unavoidable risks of damage to the injector body, cylinder head cam cover / carrier or rocker cover, manifolds or engine covers and associated bolts and fasteners or other points the puller may push against (this includes any tool of equipment failures). In Addition where we are required to mill out a broken or damaged injector, Glow plug or snapped clamp bolt, The risks of damage are increased, Air pockets in the casting, corrosion between the injector body, Glow plug / clamp bolt and the cylinder head and contaminants along with the hardened parts of the injector, Glow plug/clamp bolt can throw the Dills / Milling bits off line (Drills and Mills always want to be in the softer material and constantly strive to achieve this). Furthermore corrosion can thin the walls between the injector, Glow plug & clamp bolt and the cooling system waterways inside the cylinder head again increasing the risks (this corrosion is not visible before removing the injector, Glow plug / bolt as it is inside the cylinder head and is not externally visible and is effectively what seizes the injector or bolt in). Although our Milling or Drilling bits are as rigid as possible and are guided we will always do our best to avoid any issues, the risk of damage is still present throughout the work. Therefore it is necessary for "The Customer" or His/Her "Authorized Representative" to accept this risk of any and all loss or damage before work commences.

3) It is quite common for seized in injector clamp bolts and cover bolts to snap during attempts at removal again this is unavoidable and it is also necessary for "The Customer" to accept these further risks and any consequences or additional costs involved.

4) When removing seized solenoid injectors it is necessary to fully dismantle the top half of the injector to allow pullers to be fitted, this process can and does involve removal of many small internal and external parts of the injector , many of which are minute in size (less than 2mm's) and can be held under spring tension which cannot be released under control when the injector is still in the engine. A P Autodiagnostics Ltd staff will endeavor to the best of their ability remove these parts but cannot accept responsibility for any loss of the part or damage however so caused as a consequence of this dismantling or loss of a part. in addition it may be necessary on some injectors to drill down the centre to cut threads or extend threads thereby writing off the injector body, again this is required and is a consequence of the removal process and is to be carried out at the customers cost. Removal of some injectors will completely destroy them and or those injectors that show ouir removal techniques will not be returned to the customer.

5) Piezo injectors may require the plastic connectors and pipe connections to be broken off to allow a secondary puller clamp to be fitted. this effectively destroys the injector making it unusable, and is a point of no return. other injectors may require similar operations to allow sufficient hold upon the injector to be made to effect removal.

6) A P Autodiagnostics Ltd staff do not reassemble any injectors on site, this is a safety matter for both persons and property and is mandatory. (A minute spec of dirt is enough to lock the injector open and can destroy your engine in a fraction of a second, Again we have no control over the conditions we work in.)

7) Many techniques and tools used by our staff are commercially sensitive in nature and are to be kept secret as we have spent considerable time and money developing them. In order to keep these secrets we do not allow an audience at any point, whist we work and do not show our tooling to anyone If this is not possible we will leave the site and the full cost of the works expected (even if incomplete or un-started) will be invoiced and full payment will still be deemed due. The signing of this form means work has started. also our attendance upon site deems work to have started. work is completed when we say so.

8) Where A P Autodiagnostics staff are required to remove parts or strip, clean and rebuild the vehicle being worked upon we cannot accept any responsibility for works carried out prior to our commencing work. this includes any damaged, seized or broken pipes, bolts, clips or threads and any missing parts. poorly routed pipe work or cables. and also Unseen, unadvised or unknown damage outstanding etc. (it is also possible that the failure of other parts may stop us restarting the engine once works are complete ie for example failed fuel pumps, hand primers that work fine until the system is disturbed and air is introduced, may not bleed properly), wiring faults, Vehicle battery failure etc

9) As any telephone estimates given are blind, i.e. on an unseen vehicle, further works over and above that quoted at additional cost may be required once work has begun due to unknown or unseen problems either arising during work or being outstanding but previously unnoticed or not advised to us, this includes any heating or welding of or to the injector for previous removal attempts by other parties. heating and welding makes milling more difficult and time consuming as we may have to remove additional items or cut off welded on parts or weld itself before work continues. Welding / heating previously carried out on the part bring drilled can also cause cutting tools to shatter without warning. These will be charged in addition to the quoted cost and may in addition include any cost of damage to our other equipment.

10) Most high pressure Steel fuel pipes are recommended by the manufacturer to be single use items, Where these pipes are reused we cannot be held responsible for any leaks whether immediate or in the future. plastic return pipes and seals can also fail when removed / reused, again we cannot be held responsible for any future leaks or any pipe seals that will not reseal / refit correctly during the reassembly or fail shortly after especially where these pipes are quick release by design, seals can wear, swell up, have minor cuts and nicks is them, without being noticed which is not our fault or necessarily caused by us.

11) Although A P Autodiagnostics Ltd Staff will endeavor to the best of their ability remove any seized injector or glow plug this service is not 100% guaranteed and there is a risk of failure and or damage (although this is extremely rare) full payment will still be due regardless of the cause of the failure or damage's cause.

12) Any vehicle left in our care whilst work is carried out will, if the invoice is not settled upon completion or at any rate within 7 days of the invoice date, be taken ownership of and disposed of to settle any outstanding debts / costs incurred. Any excess value as a result of any sale will be returned to the registered keeper at the time of signing this contract. Minus any additional costs incurred by us in the disposal process, Any outstanding balance will be pursued via the courts. We will not release any vehicle until the full invoiced amount is received in cleared funds. and will withhold any keys we have been given.

We also reserve the right to charge storage at the rate of £10.00 per day plus VAT flowing any non payment, which will be added to and form a part of the final invoice total once calculated on the date of settlement. A late payment fee of £10 per day + vat from the date of the invoice will be charged on any late or non payments. Any part payment of an invoice that has or does incur late payment charges on it will be considered unpaid and will still incur continuing late payment charges, as above, until full cleared payment is received of the original invoice and all charges incurred. by signing this you also agree to a lien being on your vehicle until any outstanding invoice or debt is settled in full. An administration charge of 5% will also be charged upon all non cash payments.

13) In conclusion You are signing this contract of works to say that You the customer or You as the customers authorized representative have fully read and that you understand and agree to all of these risks and covering all the above you the customer or authorized customers representative also herby agree to all the above terms and conditions, and that you will not hold A P Autodiagnostics Ltd responsible for any of the above risks. Also that you agree that full payment will be due and will be made upon completion of the work as agreed despite any of the above risks, conditions and any consequences.

14) In relation to data protection rules of 25/05/18, By signing below you give A P Autodiagnostics Ltd permission to hold your personal details or any other details given on file either paper or electronic and to use said details for contacting you in relation to your vehicle, or any warranty's given, this information is held securely and will only be used by us and is never passed or sold to anyone else (unless commanded by legal process). This includes any future owners of any vehicles whose registration number is given below. We will only confirm that work has been done by us but not what has been done, or who for.

14) We pride ourselves upon our levels of success and are always striving to improve the quality and success rate of our work, We are constantly developing new tooling and improving old designs. We also manufacture tools for our own use, where they are not currently available to purchase or where we believe they are not up to the requirements of job they are intended for and as such do not show or demonstrate these tools to anyone at any time.

15) Your statutory rights are not affected by this form or by our full terms and conditions available on our website at, 

                                                                                            A P Autodiagnostics Ltd

Terms and conditions of sale and Injector warranty

This warranty is valid for 12 months or for 12,000 miles from our date of purchase, whichever comes first


1)    All warranty claims must be reported to A P Autodiagnostics Ltd in the first instance and then an approved repairer appointed by us will deal with the warranty repair, Testing fees may apply to prove the fault is covered by the warranty and these are your responsibility. (These are our suppliers rules not ours) – otherwise any replacement injectors & labour etc will be chargeable and payable by you. Any repairs covered by and carried out under the warranty and inline with the warranty terms and conditions are free of charge.

2)    All M9R Injector warranties offered by A P Autodiagnostics Ltd are the warranty supplied buy our suppliers to us passed onto you as the original supplier of the injectors. These may be fitted to Renault Traffic's, Nissan Primastar's and Vauxhall Vivaro's where they are the correct part and part numbers match as these vehicles are a combined design by the three manufacturers, we only use genuine injectors but they may come from any of our suppliers.

3)    All other injectors we supply will be sourced from our choice of supplier and will be either genuine or reconditioned by reputable companies who we have learnt to trust through years of dealing with them successfully.

4) If any seals are broken or units tampered with, this includes any testing carried out by third parties, without our Knowledge or approval (non intrusive code reading type testing and leak off testing excluded, if no damage is caused.) all warrantees are null and void, any marks or damage caused, by incorrect methods of removal or attempted removal, or any sign of water damage will also void any warranty.

5) As all our M9R injectors are genuine and supplied by RENAULT UK, VAUXHALL UK, NISSAN UK or BOSCH and their agents (who make the injectors for these companies) Hence their terms and conditions apply in full and are available on request, Our full terms and conditions are available on our website. Injectors fitted in any vehicle must be returned to an approved repairer still fitted in the vehicle, for any warranty repairs to be considered. removal without approval voids your warranty (this is an integral part of all the terms and conditions)

6) VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE It is your responsibility to ensure that the scuttle panel (particularly on the M9R engine'd vehicles) is suitably sealed and leak free (this is mandatory and forms a condition of this warranty. ANY SIGNS OF WATER CONTAMINATION OR CORROSION CAUSED BY WATER INGRESS voids any warranty offered OUTRIGHT NO ARGUMENTS.) any costs charged by repairers for testing are not covered by this warranty and are your responsibility. We will perform any testing F.O,C if you bring the vehicle to us for this to be done under a warranty claim process.


Additionally all injectors supplied by A P Autodiagnostics Ltd and our suppliers are designed for Road fuel use only, The use of Red Diesel, Kerosene or Bio-fuels (unless compliant with EN5900:2009, proof will be required if suspect fuel is noted) etc voids any and all warranty's offered. Contaminated fuel voids this warranty outright.

9) A P Autodiagnostics Ltd and our suppliers will not be liable for any consequential costs e.g. testing workshop charges to prove the fault, Vehicle recovery, Vehicle hire, loss of earnings due to your vehicle being off the road etc/

10) Any supplied units returned unused will be liable to inspection and handling charges of 20%. Any units returned and found to have damage or faults or have been tampered with or not to have a fault covered under warranty will be charged an inspection fee of £45.00 each. return postage is also chargeable plus packaging cost at cost.

11) Title to all parts supplied remains with A P Autodiagnostics Ltd until cleared payment is received in full.

(We reserve the right to remove any parts either not paid for in full or that form part of an incompletely paid up invoice)

12) All warranty claims must be accompanied by a copy of the original invoice & Warranty, THIS IS COMPULSORY.

13) This warranty is limited to the original purchaser of injectors only as named below.

14) By fitting an injector or injectors, having an injector or injectors fitted, you are automatically accepting and agreeing to these terms and conditions in full. Our full terms and conditions are available to view on our website.


 Please note the following important information

Due to the extremely fine working tolerances and high operating pressure of common rail injection equipment, It is imperative that an extremely high standard of cleanliness is both observed and adhered to whilst handling any Common Rail Diesel Injection Unit or Part. Failure to do so can and will void any warranty. Furthermore and once again these units are designed for use with "white" diesel only as supplied in standard fuel stations they are not warranted for use with "Red" diesel, Bio diesel (unless compliant with EN5900:2009) or any combination of such fuels. sealing a leaking scuttle panel immediately after fitting injectors is mandatory for this warranty to be valid. any sign of water ingress voids this warranty.

Nothing Contained herein shall affect the statutory rights of a consumer. our full terms and conditions available on our website at,

Copyright A P Autodiagnostics Ltd 09/2019

Seized or Snapped Diesel

Fuel Injector ?

Call us on

07799108594 or 07718113158

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